From the Principal

From the Principal

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Wollert Secondary College.

We live in a complex and changing world. At Wollert Secondary College, we pride ourselves on empowering, preparing, and equipping our students for the opportunities that will arise and the challenges they may face in their lives beyond school.

We offer an engaging, contemporary and comprehensive curriculum program for our students and that is enriched by our extensive student excellence programs, co-curricular clubs, leadership development programs, adventure camps, and year-round house competitions.

We hold high expectations for student achievement. Our students strive for their personal best and take up the wide range of opportunities on offer to showcase their talents, explore their interests, and continually develop new knowledge and skills.

It is an exciting time to be a student at Wollert Secondary College. We are known for our positive learning environment, dynamic teachers, robust curriculum, strong wellbeing supports, and our beautiful grounds, state of-the-art technologies and distinctive buildings.

We are growing rapidly since our establishment in 2023 and our vibrant culture has generated great enthusiasm for the school in the local community and beyond, resulting in a high demand for student places.

At Wollert Secondary College we encourage students to celebrate their success, embrace their areas for growth and acknowledge that success looks different for every student. We believe that every story will be different but every story will be great.

I warmly invite you to consider Wollert Secondary College as your first choice for your secondary education.

Melissa Lozanovski
College Principal