Assessment & Reporting

Assessment & Reporting

Accurate and timely assessment and reporting helps to improve student learning through more targeted support, assistance and extension of student work, while keeping parents/carers informed on student achievement and progress.

Assessment is designed to

  • Provide students with feedback about their work so they can improve their skills and knowledge.
  • Provide parents and guardians with feedback on their child’s achievement and progress.
  • ·Evaluate and report on student progress against state-wide achievement standards.

Forms of Assessment at Wollert Secondary College

Progressive Reporting: Students and parent/carers can access teacher feedback on Common Assessment Tasks as they are completed throughout the semester on Compass

Growth Habit Progress Reports: Reports are distributed at the end of Term 1 and Term 3 and provide parents/carers insight as to how their child is engaging in their learning.

Conferences: Parents/Carers are provided with the opportunity to meet teachers during our Term 1 and Term 3, Three Way Conferences.

Semester Reports: Reports are distributed at the end of each semester, compiling the continuous reporting data into a collective report.